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November 9, 2020
20 Puerto Rico Stakeholders and Allies Demand that Puerto Rico’s Legislature Reject the Power Authority Debt Restructuring Agreement
We, a coalition of Puerto Rico stakeholders and allies, rise in protest and demand that Puerto Rico’s Senate and House of Representatives reject the Restructuring Support Agreement (Agreement) reached on May 3, 2019 between the Puerto Rico Financial Oversight and Management Board, the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), and a group of bondholders for the restructuring of $8.5 billion of debt issued by PREPA.
This is a great deal for PREPA bondholders but a terrible one for Puerto Rico’s energy consumers and generators. It runs counter to Puerto Rico’s Energy Public Policy Act of 2019, which provides a path forward to a more decentralized electricity system, increasingly reliant on renewable sources and on consumer power generation.
The current electricity rate in Puerto Rico is approximately 22 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) compared to the national average of 10.38 c/kWh. The Agreement establishes that Puerto Ricans must pay for the 47 year lifetime of the debt a surcharge equivalent to a rate increase of nearly 20%. Combined with other charges resulting from the restructuring of the utility, the debt surcharge would increase the base electricity rate by nearly 28%.
Customers that generate their own electricity will be subject to a debt surcharge unless they are completely and permanently disconnected from the electric grid. This debt surcharge stifles the population’s growing desire to become energy independent and resilient after a major disaster strikes.
Fiscal policy experts recommend reducing Puerto Rico’s overall debt by approximately 80 percent, yet the Agreement generates a reduction in the principal of the existing PREPA bonds of only 22.5 percent. Puerto Rico's government does not have the resources to pay the debt, maintain basic government services and jumpstart a moribund economy. Nor does Puerto Rico have the resources to make a series of capital investments in PREPA that will reduce its dependency on oil and its operating costs.
PREPA’s electrical grid is obsolete and has been in a state of disrepair for decades. Yet rating agencies continued to give PREPA investment-grade credit ratings, and underwriters and legal advisors continued to collect fees on various loans and debt deals. Why must Puerto Rican consumers bear the heavy economic burden of PREPA’S mismanagement and Wall Street’s greed?
The Puerto Rican legislature has the power to stop this horrible deal, which will impede Puerto Rico’s recovery and condemn its people to sustained economic hardship. We ask that Puerto Rico’s Senate and House of Representative show their political muscle and do right by the Puerto Rican people.
This statement is endorsed by Alianza for Progress, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, Cambio, El Puente Latino Climate Action Network, Espacios Abiertos, GreenLatinos, Hispanic Federation, Instituto Nacional de Energía y Sostenibilidad Isleña, Jubilee USA Network, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, National Puerto Rican Agenda, New York State Hispanic Court Officers, Oxfam America, Power 4 Puerto Rico, Service Employees International Union, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists and Vamos4PR.
October 14, 2020
The Supreme Court approved a Trump Administration request to end counting for the 2020 census earlier this week. As of today, 35.5% of Puerto Rico’s households have completed a census form compared to 66.8% in the United States. Among municipalities, the percentages range from 44.4% in Bayamon to 18.2% in Culebra. This is the last chance you have to call your family and friends in Puerto Rico to help them complete the census.
FOR ONLINE RESPONSES: The U.S. Census will accept responses online at through Friday Oct. 16 until 5:59 AM Eastern Standard Time. FOR MAIL RESPONSES: The U.S. Census Bureau has set Thursday, Oct. 15as the postmark deadline for returning paper forms. FOR TELEPHONE RESPONSES: Phone lines will close after 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Friday, Oct. 16. For United States English 844-330-2020 Español 844-468-2020 TDD 844-467-2020 For #PuertoRico: English 844-418-2020 Español 844-426-2020
You must hurry. There is little time left. For more information on the premature end of the Census see: Supreme Court Allows Trump Administration To End Census Counting On Oct. 15 Thank you for all the support you have given us.
The BoriCuenta 2020 Team
National Puerto Rican Agenda |
September 21, 2020
This weekend marked the third-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria, one of the the most destructive natural disasters to strike Puerto Rico in the last 100 years. Thousands of Puerto Ricans were displaced and impacted by Hurricane Maria. Their situation was aggravated by the fiscal crisis, political upheaval and the ongoing earthquakes. The diaspora has grown in numbers, reaching nearly 6 million people. We must take this unique opportunity to engage and influence the political process in the United States in ways that benefit our communities and Puerto Rico.
The NPRA encourages you to honor all the lives lost and impacted by registering to vote and to memorialize victims by giving voice to Puerto Rican causes.
Election Day: Tuesday, November 3rd
Election Day is less than 2 months away. In the midst of COVID-19, many states offer alternative ways to register and to vote from the safe comfort of your home. Please check your voting registration deadlines (by state) HERE! Maker sure to have a Voting Plan in advance. Find information about registration, voting, and even volunteering as a poll worker at Make your VOTE and PUERTO RICO count in these elections!
National Puerto Rican Agenda |
September 1, 2020
August 8, 2020
The National Puerto Rican Agenda (NPRA) invites you to join #BoriCuenta2020, a grassroots campaign to promote completion of the 2020 U.S. Census in Puerto Rico and in Puerto Rican communities across the nation. The Puerto Rico response rate is the lowest in the nation at 31.5%; the national response rate is 64.5%. A series of natural disasters and disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have negatively impacted census related activity on the island – from planning processes, to hiring staff, to the ability of census workers to knock on doors. These unforeseen circumstances threaten an accurate count for the entire island. Puerto Rico is not alone in its concerns about an accurate count. Recently, the U.S. Census Bureau announced it would end one month early, on Sept. 30th. The abrupt shortening of the census deadline is expected to produce an undercount of people living in rural areas and in communities of color. #BoriCuenta2020 will provide an easily accessible digital toolkit to help Puerto Ricans reach out to their social networks on the island and assist in completing the census. The toolkit can be found at Please check it out and invite your family and friends to use it. For more information please contact: Victor Negrón at [email protected]
National Puerto Rican Agenda |
June 19, 2020
June 6, 2020
March 29, 2020
Thank you for responding to the National Puerto Rican Agenda Call to Action this past week. On Friday, President Trump signed the $2.2 trillion-dollar coronavirus economic stimulus bill. Here are the key takeaways, all of which include Puerto Rico.
State and Local Relief Fund- $150 billion to help stabilize the finances of state and local governments. Puerto Rico is expected to receive $2.241 billion. One Time Stimulus Checks- Married Couples earning up to $150,000 will receive $2,400, plus $500 for each child under 17. Reduced checks, on a sliding scale, will go out to married couples earning up to $198,000 annually. - Head of Household (typically single parents with children) earning up to $112,500 will receive a $1,200, plus $500 per child under 17. Reduced checks, on a sliding scale, will go out to heads of household earning up to $136,500 annually. - Individuals earning up to $75,000 will receive $1,200. Reduced checks, on a sliding scale, will go out to individuals making up to $99,000 annually. - Everyone who has a Social Security number should receive the check. In the case of Puerto Rico, the local Treasury Department (Hacienda) must submit a plan detailing how it will distribute the money. Calculate how much you will get from the coronavirus checks. Student Loans- Moratorium on payments or interest accrual on federal student loans from April through September 30th, 2020. - Even though payments are suspended during this time period, the suspension period will count toward payment of public service loan forgiveness or other forgiveness programs, as well as loan rehabilitation programs for borrowers working to pull their loans out of default. - Wage garnishment and tax refund seizures will stop during the forbearance period. Small Businesses and Nonprofits - Companies with 500 employees or less, including non-profits, will be able to apply for loans of up to $10 million. - Loans may be forgiven if they were used between February 15 and June 30 to pay payroll, mortgage, rent, utilities and debt payment. Wage payment of $100,000 or more is not allowed. If a company had to lay off employees during the covered period, the forgivable amount of the loan will also be reduced proportionally. - To expedite the loan process, personal guarantees have been waived. All that is required is a “good faith certification” that the business has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the funds will be used according to the guidelines. Mid-Size Businesses and Nonprofits Mid-size businesses with 500 to 10,000 employees, including non-profits, will be able to apply for loans with an interest rate of no higher than two percent and would not accrue interest or require repayments for the first six months. Unemployment- Unemployment benefits increased by $600 per week for up to four months. - Unemployment eligibility expanded by additional 13 weeks for those who have exhausted state benefits. - Gig economy workers who are classified as independent contractors and self-employed individuals are eligible to receive unemployment benefits. - These benefits are in addition to the new sick and family leave granted by law recently. Hospitals and Health centers - Puerto Rico will benefit from a total allocation of about $100 billion to assist health centers and to purchase medical supplies. Housing- Allows moratorium on the payment of federally backed mortgages for up to six months. - Prohibits foreclosures or evictions from properties with federally backed mortgages for six months. - Landlords cannot evict tenants who live in a multifamily building or single-family home that has a federally backed mortgage or charge any late fees, penalties or other charges for late rent payment. Food Assistance- Puerto Rico will receive most of the $200 million in the emergency nutritional assistance for the Island, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. $1.27B in emergency food aid had been requested by the Governor of Puerto Rico and advocacy organizations like the NPRA. Missing from the Stimulus Bill- House-passed supplemental (H.R. 5687) for Puerto Rico earthquake recovery. While passage of this bill is encouraging, we know it is not enough for our communities in the mainland or for Puerto Rico. We will aim to keep you informed so we can keep up the fight. Thank you for your commitment and support. Stay safe and be well,
March 24, 2020
Congress is getting close to a deal on the massive coronavirus stimulus package. It is imperative that Puerto Rico not be left out. WE NEED YOU TO EMAIL OR CALL TODAY to tell your representatives in Congress that Puerto Rico matters to you and that it needs to be taken care of. Please take ten minutes of your day to copy paste the following message in an email to your two Senators and Congressperson or if you prefer, pick up the phone and call. Thank you for your commitment to Puerto Rico. In solidarity, National Puerto Rican Agenda
MESSAGE TO CONGRESS: Dear Senator, Congressman or Congresswoman X: In the past four years Puerto Rico has faced a fiscal crisis, two hurricanes, and ongoing earthquakes. Federal assistance to the Island to date is less than half of the damage caused by these natural disasters and the local government is bankrupt. Now Puerto Rico is facing a world pandemic that could collapse its fragile medical system and weak economy. Puerto Rico needs your help and so I ask that the coronavirus stimulus package approved by Congress include the following: · That Puerto Rico be included as an equal beneficiary of all the provisions on the coronavirus stimulus package made for the U.S. states. · That direct cash assistance take into account cost of living, is needs sensitive, is distributed through mechanism that reach the most vulnerable in the fastest way possible, including direct deposit, pre-paid cards or other means. · That Puerto Rico receive an additional $1.27B in emergency nutrition aid. Puerto Rico is below the continental U.S. levels by a significant amount per household per month. This disparity and its effects are aggravated by the pandemic and major natural disasters. · That the House-passed earthquake supplemental (H.R. 5687) be approved in its entirety. · That waivers be granted for matching requirements in aid to local governments and nonprofits which are suffering ongoing economic hardship. · That $300 million in loans from FEMA’s Community Disaster Loans be forgiven to restore financial health of struggling municipalities facing steep costs related to disaster and healthcare needs. · That, considering the well-known supply challenges inherent in being an island, the Jones Act be waived for at least a year or permanently. I thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Sincerely, Name Your town, state and zip code.
January 14, 2020
The National Puerto Rican Agenda Stands in Solidarity with the People of Puerto Rico During This Time of Renewed Crisis.
The people of Puerto Rico are foremost in our hearts and minds as they contend with the ongoing impact of back-to-back earthquakes registering 6.4 and 5.8 magnitude on Tuesday, January 7, 2020. The earthquakes and aftershocks, including at 6 magnitude earthquake on January 11, have struck Puerto Rico’s vulnerable communities while they are still contending with the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The loss and destruction caused by the earthquakes has destroyed homes, schools, businesses and public facilities. We want our fellow Puerto Ricans to know that we are here for them and will remain vigilant in their time of need.
In response to the earthquakes, President Trump approved federal emergency funding for Puerto Rico last week authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide equipment and resources to the victims of the earthquakes. The President’s authorization will allow FEMA to provide direct federal assistance up to 75 percent of costs, and the island's Financial Oversight and Management Board authorized up to $260 million for an emergency fund to cover the local share and other expenses.
Yet, the Trump administration is withholding available disaster aid to Puerto Rico already approved by Congress, including $9.7 billion in aid to Puerto Rico from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Given this week’s earthquakes, the NPRA believe that the Trump administration is in violation of the law by withholding the congressionally approved money and demand the release of all disaster funding as they were approved by Congress.
As state-side Puerto Ricans, we have a responsibility to help island residents recover by assisting relief organizations on the ground as well as facilitating action that promotes an appropriate policy response to this crisis by our Federal Government.
Below is a partial list of relief organizations that are currently on the ground providing aid to all citizens impacted. We encourage you to support these efforts in any way you can.
Puerto Rican organizations with "boots on the ground”:
- Techos Pa Mi Gente (Preparation and distribution of supplies, Service for Yauco and Guanadilla) Contact: Amarilis Gonzales 787-619-2039, [email protected].
- Helping Hands for Puerto Rico (Preparation and distribution of supplies; Shelter in Añasco, seving for Peñuelas, Yauco, Guanica y Guanadilla) Contact: Raymond Collazo 347-907-3912 [email protected].
- Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico's the Puerto Rico Community Recovery Fund:
United States based solidarity groups with a direct-support approach to organizations with “boots on the ground”:
- ESTOY CON PUERTO RICO RELIEF EFFORT (Donations to go directly to non-profit organizations in Puerto Rico).
- Comité Noviembre: “Estoy con Puerto Rico” Relief Effort – Donations to or by check.
Pease make sure to earmark donation to ESTOY CON PUERTO RICO and indicate in memo. Please send check or money order payable to: Comité Noviembre, Managing Office, C/O: TAS Communications, LLC, 45 East Hartsdale Avenue, Suite 3L, Hartsdale, NY 10530.
3. Cáritas de Puerto:
4. Fundación Bucarabón:
5. The Puerto Rican Agenda of Chicago:
6. PRXPR -
Other local efforts:
Thank you for your support and continued commitment to Puerto Rico.
National Puerto Rican Agenda
July 19, 2019
June 21, 2019
March 29, 2019
July 4, 2018
NPRA holds board meeting in New York City, May 12, 2018
NPRA participates in Diaspora Summit III at Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College/CUNY, May 11-12, 2018
Puerto Rico May Day Distress Call, May 5, 2018
December 2017 Call to Action for Puerto Rico
During the month of December 2017 Congress considered tax, disaster relief, and health legislation impacting Puerto Rico.
In response, the National Puerto Rican Agenda launched a campaign to encourage its membership and allies to contact Congress and educate its members about the needs of Puerto Rico.
With this objective in mind the National Puerto Rican Agenda issued easy-to-use materials to facilitate visiting, calling and writing to members of Congress. Over 22,500 letters were sent to Congress and the President demanding action for Puerto Rico.
Unity March for Puerto Rico, Washington DC, November 19, 2017
Washington DC Puerto Rican Diaspora Summit, November 18, 2017
March for Just Recovery, U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC, October 18, 2017
Unite for Puerto Rico Rally, U.S. Capitol, Washington DC, October 11, 2017
Hurricane Maria National Letter Drive - October 9, 2017 - Generated 18,699 Letters
Sample letter:
Statement about the National Puerto Rican Day Parade and Oscar López Rivera
Puerto Ricans Puerto Rico Diaspora Summit II May 12 - 13, 2016
Letters to Republican and Democratic congressional leadership requesting $900 million in Medicaid bridge funding for Puerto Rico - April 28, 2017
NPRA letter to President Obama requesting the pardon of Oscar López Rivera - December 15, 2016
United for Puerto Rico Rally flyers July 25, 2016
Puerto Rico Puerto Ricans Diaspora Summit April 22 - 23, 2016
Rally Congress letter drive requesting President Obama to mention the Puerto Rico fiscal and humanitarian crisis in the State of the Union address - December 15, 2016
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